Sunday, October 16, 2011

God is Coming!

The other day I was out interviewing children for the orphan sponsorship program. I was writing down information for their bios as Sarah, a CMF apprentice, took their photos. We were sitting on some large stones on the project land when it began to rain. The way Sarah and I responded was so typical of a Westerner. We scrambled to gather our things and get into the LandCruiser. We ran with our heads down, trying to stay dry. My papers were getting wet and Sarah was concerned for her camera. We were so American, so worried about our stuff. They did not worry about their stuff. They have no stuff. How did these sweet Maasai children respond to the sudden downpour? With delight! They lifted their faces toward the sky, letting the fat raindrops hit their heads. They did end up gathering under a tree, but did so with smiles, happy for the much needed rain that would bring water to them and their animals. What I viewed as an inconvenience, they viewed as a blessing. As they gathered under the tree, I heard them shouting a phrase. My understanding of the Maa language is limited, so I could only make out the word for God. I asked my friend Joseph what they were saying. With a huge smile on his face he said, "God is Coming!"

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