Monday, November 15, 2010


So today we began our rabies shots...a series of three shots required before our move to Tanzania. They are expensive and, might I say, painful.

Heidi aka "fearless one" volunteered to go first and watched, of course. Then she was so sweet and held our hands as we took our turns.

One of the definitions for rabid is "going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling or interest." There are people who think we are crazy for leaving it all behind for Africa, but we are perfectly happy to be "rabid" about spreading God's Glory in Tanzania.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's your address?

Someone asked me today for my address and I have to admit I was shocked to realize that we don't have one! When we got back to Indiana a few days ago from our support raising/training trip, we moved into the mission house of our home church. Technically, I suppose, this is our address for the time being. This transition stage is completely crazy and unsettling! It is a comfort to know, however, that we will soon live/reside/settle into our African home very soon. We are beginning to really understand that as a family "home" is wherever we are together as a family.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Our commissioning ceremony with CMF was held last night at their annual board meeting here in Indianapolis. We were also "capped" with an International Harvester hat, which is the CMF tradition for new missionaries. We are so happy to have completed our training and now officially commissioned! We have to thank our family - those who attended and those who took care of the children during the ceremony. We also have to thank our Plainfield Christian family. We were overwhelmed by how many PCC staff members and mission committee members were there to support us. Some of them have known Heather since she was a child! What a blessing it is to have the love and support of our home church!