Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some Fun for the Kids

Because we insisted upon the kiddos having excellent behavior during all of our presentations and dinners with ministers, we wanted to make sure we gave them some time for fun. So in the afternoons in Kansas, between our church visits, we found lots of fun and mostly free things to do:

  • visiting the largest ball of twine in the world

  • exploring a fort erected by Coronado in 1541

  • visiting a cute Swedish town Lindborg, Kansas, where you search for painted little wooden horses called Dalas

  • bowling (this was hysterical - Wyatt beat everyone but Daddy)

  • playing in parks

  • driving to the middle of nowhere to see the geographical center of the United States - yes we counted it as homeschooling :)

It was great to see the kids looking for things to do, be flexible, and begin to understand the word "budget!" We are really starting to anticipate a good transition for the children into our new way of life.


  1. Sure looks like the kids are having a great time. Sometimes the best entertainment is just being together having fun.

  2. Bill and Heather,

    Glad to see you guys are having some family down time together. It looks like the kids are having fun. I keep thinking about what lies ahead for your family in a few weeks and my prayers are with you.

    Kim Clark
