Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mt. Kilimanjaro

"He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man,
he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth,
the LORD God Almighty is his name." Amos 4:13

1 comment:

  1. I haven't had a chance to talk to you about your missionary trip, but I think it is an outstanding and noble endeavor. It must be very difficult to make the extreme sacrifices that your family we be going through. Although, the Lord's word needs to be spread throughout the world and that in itself will be very rewarding. My hat is off to you guys and you deserve all the accolades, good fortune, and blessings that come your way.

    I will enjoy staying abreast with your adventure through your blog. It will be quite interesting to see you coping with the meager resources that will be at hand. Again, my hat's off to you.

    I want you to know that you will be in my daily prayers.

    Good luck and God bless,

    Bob Ferree
