Sunday, February 6, 2011

Indy to Arusha

So we left the PCC mission house at 8:00 am January 22nd and arrived the next day, Sunday, January 23rd, in Arusha, Tanzania. By the time we made it with our team to the training center, we had been traveling over 32 hours, including layovers. That's with 4 kids, 12 checked bags and 12 carry-ons, 3 flights and 2 layovers. We were exhausted, hungry, and wanting showers, but we were filled with excitement as we walked down the stairs of the plane and into the steamy African night air. Our team met us after we cleared customs. It was great seeing them all again.

The kids did great on the trip...Oleg watched movies on every flight...Wyatt slept...Heidi was good :)...and Morgan didn't even complain about the plane food!