Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to the Books

Another homeschooling year begins... Morgan (6th grade), Oleg (5th) and Wyatt (K) are homeschooling again. We have set up a homeschool area in the basement and are off to a great start to the new school year. Wyatt is especially excited to be an official homeschooler. We actually have started our school year earlier than usual, because we will be taking off three weeks in October when we attend our final missionary training course in Colorado.
Heidi, on the other hand...well life in the basement is a little restraining on such an active, free little child like our Heidi. So we decided to let her attend our local 1st grade until we go to Colorado. Her teacher happens to be a neighbor and Heidi couldn't be happier.
We all look forward to homeschooling in Africa!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bucket Lists

Bucket lists have become popular because of the recent movie. Usually it is a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket" but my kids have made "Africa Bucket Lists" - things they want to do before we leave for Africa. We told them we would try to do some of the things on their lists, but we probably wouldn't get them all done due to time and financial restraints. I thought it would be fun to share with all of you...

Swim with dolphins at Sea World - Heidi
Go horseback riding - Heidi
Visit the American Girl store - Heidi & Morgan
Go to a Lego store - Oleg
Eat at Chili's, Olive Garden - all
Go the the beach - all
Chuck-e-Cheese - all kids (anybody want to take them? :)
Disney World - Wyatt
Sleepover at Wilson's house - all
Unlimited time at Barnes & Noble (without the little kids) - Morgan
Spend as much time with grandparents as possible - all

So if you knew you only had a few months left in the United States and you wouldn't be back for 2 1/2 years....what would be on your bucket list???

Housing Update

I can't believe it has been a month since our last blog entry. What a month it has been! We are now living in what used to be our basement. So here is the story. The family that bought our house called us a few days after our last post and offered us the basement. They are a missions minded family and thought it just didn't make sense for us to pay for an apartment while we are trying to raise our support. Also, it was very difficult to find an apartment for our large family and with a short-term lease. We took a day to think about their offer, talked about it with the kids, and then agreed! Our kids think it is very cool to be living in the basement and I think it will be easier on them to have one less transition. What used to be a movie theatre now has mattresses lined up on the floor, the exercise room is full of our clothes, we share one bathroom and the old playroom is now our "family room." We do have a small fridge/sink. Thankfully, our parents and Bill's sister are hosting us for many dinners each week. God continues to provide all that we need.