Well it is official...on March 15th we became missionary recruits with Christian Missionary Fellowship International! As our family and friends know, we have been involved in short-term missions for a long time. However, we both felt a pull to be open to full-time missions work. So we began to look for long-term opportunities. We knew God would show us where He could use our skills and abilities best...and He didn't disappoint! A year ago we discovered a team of missionaries in Tanzania with CMF International that was looking for someone with a strong business background, along with missions experience, to join the team. Why business? The team lacked a Field Business Administrator and also wanted to use micro-enterprise and micro-finance as a part of their holistic approach to evangelism. So many other things fell into place to confirm that this call to Tanzania was, in fact, from the Lord. We went on our vision trip in October 2009. Needless to say, we fell in love with the team, the work they were doing, and Africa. We have had physicals, more shots than we can count, read books and attended seminars during the past few months. Now what? In late April, we attend Support Raising Training at CMF. Then, we raise the support needed for our mission and off we go - with a few suitcases and our four incredible children - to Africa!!! We hope to be "on the field" by Christmas. Thanks for joining us in this journey.